our services
Mold testing & assessment
Many people are confused on what to do when they find mold in their home. There’s a lot of conflicting information online, none of it very definitive on what exposure to high concentrations of mold can do to you and your family. Let us help you understand what you are facing in clear, plain language; what are the risks? How is it removed? Will it come back? What will this cost?
Mold testing and investigation is the starting point of any mold cleanup project. As NYS licensed assessors, we can quickly and thoroughly examine areas, find the causes, provide solutions. All situations are different, but all have one thing in common, you need trusted, expert guidance to reduce the anxiety for yourself and your family over what could potentially be a major health risk.
We understand the absolute need to be right the first time and return you to a healthy home. We’re here to help, call us and ask your questions, we’ll give you straight answers.

Read more on our services associated with mold:

Radon sampling
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. It’s an odorless, colorless radioactive gas that occurs naturally within the earth’s crust. Soil movement and water can bring it to the surface under your foundation where it can enter through cracks, joints, service pipe openings, or other areas not sealed airtight.
The Northeast is particularly susceptible to higher levels of naturally occurring radon in homes. Radon mitigation systems are simple and easy for a contractor to install in most cases, but it starts with testing. Haven Environmental can perform a simple test for radon in your home or business that is lab analyzed and reported back to you in clear, easy to understand language.
If you haven’t done a radon screening test in your home ever, if you are thinking of finishing your basement, or if you have done some extensive foundation work on your property it may not be a bad idea to check your levels, call us to get a quick quote and testing explanation.
IAQ sampling of VOC’s & other indoor contaminates
What’s in the air you are breathing? Modern life and modern convenience include exposure to many chemicals and compounds that can cause a wide range of symptoms and health concerns. While it’s impossible to eliminate all the toxins and carcinogens in our environment, we want to reduce our exposures as much as possible, especially in our homes and workplaces. The only way to understand what we are breathing is to sample the air and get it analyzed. Haven Environmental focuses on indoor environments and can perform most types of indoor air quality testing for home or business.

Asbestos & Lead sampling
Even after all these years, these very dangerous materials still exist in our homes and businesses. Sampling and testing needs to be done by qualified, licensed inspectors. Haven works with the most qualified and experienced inspectors in the northeast to help guide you through the process. Don’t take chances, older homes and buildings can expose you to dust containing lead and asbestos particles from virtually any source. Test before you buy, remodel, sand or paint.
Building energy efficiency ratings
A home inspection can raise a lot of questions. Do I have enough insulation? (usually an easily corrected problem). Do I have too much insulation? (a bigger problem). How efficient is my furnace? How can I save money on utility bills? We can point you in the right direction to get answers. Our NYSERDA certified home energy raters know how to evaluate and provide answers to your home energy efficiency questions.